LinkedIn Economic Graph 

This interactive installation translates the Economic Graph, a vast living-and-breathing collection of the world's economic data, for visitors at the company’s Silicon Valley headquarters. By establishing a colorful graphic language and incorporating real people’s stories, the design conveys the tangible benefits of abstract economic ideas. 

The experience consists of three projection walls controlled by a totem on a central table. A simple twist of the totem transports the viewer from one vector of the economy to the next, flooding the room with color. Move the totem across the table to explore a world of data insights and participate in diverse success stories.    



COMPLETED AT HUSH. Design: Brice mcgowen, philip johnson. Architectural design: david lehman. code: charlie whitney, adria navarro.


Our team at HUSH was tasked with visualizing the insights generated through LinkedIn’s deep understanding of the core pillars of the world's economy. This installation brings one of LinkedIn's most valuable assets down to earth for business partners, current employees, and new talent.



The totem serves as both a navigational device and magnifying glass, encouraging play and discovery.
